2018 Workshops

The 2018 JP Collins Celtic Festival will be better than ever with the addition of many new workshop options. From Irish Language and Singing to Irish Step Dancing and a Finale Session on Sunday afternoon featuring our faculty and anyone else who wants to join in! Getting the children interested in their Irish culture is important to us so the addition of Tir Na Nog as well as our Poetry Out Loud contest open to grade 3 to 12 students in the Saint John area will help raise awareness of the importance of our local Irish culture.
A FREE cultural event, "Remembering the Irish Famine", will take place on Saturday, May 5 at 3:45 pm. Denis Noel of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick and Dr. Stewart Donovan, founder of the St. Thomas University Irish Studies Program, have been curating, teaching, promoting and researching the lives and circumstances of New Brunswick Famine and Pre-Famine Irish for over 30 years. They will share some of this thirty years of collaboration at the Saint John festival in honour of Dr. Collins.
Our workshop schedule is downloadable by clicking on the X in the green box below. Purchasing an ALL-INCLUSIVE WEEKEND PASS is the best ticket available for JP COLLINS. It allows you unlimited access to all the activities from Friday night's concert to Sunday's Farewell Dinner. We hope to see you at the festival!